Monday, March 16, 2009

back to mass

yes i'm back. my trip north went well, for all intents and purposes. saturday i walked along the beach, albeit briefly. toooooo cooooold. not to mention the wind. the beach in winter is a starkly beautiful landscape. it looks the same in winter as in summer, just a bit less crowded. the gulls still angle for anything edible, their cries still haunt the dunes. the tides follow their daily rhythmn, charging forth and then a full retreat in six hour measures. broken shells, bits of wood, glass and the remains of some unfortunate sea creatures dot the sands. in warmer weather it's a treat to doff your shoes and sink your toes deep into soup. the winter pretty much says no to such flights of fancy. i took today off from work. figuring quite rightly that a good nights rest is what i need. tuesday will come soon enough and my work routine, getting up early, to work by 7 will await me as it always does. whenever i do get to the beach i think about what i would do if i didn't have to work. it's mostly just daydreaming but it does help. now it is time to open a bottle of red, sit back with a few newspapers and enjoy the quiet. also time to catch up on some blogs........cheers to all you good folks, jc


  1. welcome back! hope you enjoyed that bottle of red and hope you feel refreshed after your weekend away on the beach... warm wishes to you, Vxx

  2. i did and i will, thanks veronica, see you around, jc

  3. Ahh...the shore is the best possible place to be. Can't wait for warm weather!

  4. Ooh, from the way you wrote about it, it's as if I'm in the same beach LOL. Enjoy your time now that you're back home! You probably have a lot of blogs to check, hahaha.

  5. That's nice. A break from a the fast life wouldn't be so bad for the rest of us. I like taking my time to get up from bed. It's nice and refreshing. ^^


  6. halfcraze, i think my beach is colder than yours...jc poppy, enjoy these days, they are the best.......deedee, you want warm weather, its yours...heehee, jc

  7. I don't know, really. I haven't been in the beach for a year! I'm always in the city LOL.
