Thursday, February 26, 2009


i love swimming in the ocean. well its not really swimming what i do, its more like a pathetic dogpaddle that would embarrass most canines. but it is fun. i don't get to the ocean often enough. the season we call summer in the northeast part of the ol usa is rather.......short. winter turns to spring and before you know it , summer is half over. its not fair, surviving long periods of near total darkness [a slight exaggeration ] and freezing weather and then when it finally heats up....poof, the moment is over. but i do love strolling along the beach, especially early morn or sunset, scouring the sands, keeping a sharp eye for sand dollars, bits of shells or some well worn driftwood to claim. and digging my naked feet into wet sand.....its....heavenly. no doubt. if we climbed out of the primordial soup millions of years ago, and i suggest we did, then that might explain our fascination with all things ocean. for years we have explored the good earth and studied the stars in search of clues to help us understand how it all began. perhaps we should look a little closer, or deeper for answers. in the meantime i''ll be keeping an eye peeled for the perfect wave to ride or a quiet stretch of sand to reflect upon. to all you owls out there, enjoy the night and remember to give me a hoot sometime...heehee, bye 4 now, jc.........todays thought from one rita r.....if you add water and flour together, you get glue. add some sugar and eggs to that and you get a cake....what happened to the glue?


  1. Ummm...can't wait for June. Duxbury beach, here I come.

  2. hmmm--yeah right, what happend to the glue?..hehe

  3. The glue mixed up with the sugar and eggs which became the cake? LOL whatever, I don't know.

    Hey, I'm with you on the beach thing, I love digging my feet in the sand too especially if the weather is not too hot!

    Much Love,

  4. Hi Jack, Thank you so much for your concern - all is well over here but I have had my nose in books trying to study for a final exam... head down, b-m up, as they say.... warm wishes to you V xx
