Monday, February 23, 2009

it is a small world

the world has definitely gotten smaller the last 30 years or so. here i'm blogging away, sending out my words of wisdom[?] to anybody or everybody. all you need is a computer and i swear there are more of those than automobiles in the world today. instantly i can read about other people and their lives and hopes and fears. and after reading for awhile you come to realize how alike the people of this planet really are. oh sure there are some crazies hell bent on destroying everything and some other folks who want to take every last dime for themselves but they are not the majority. most of this earth is made up of ordinary people doing the best they can to eke out an existence. they want to go to work, raise a family and leave the place a little better than they found it. this will, to move forward has sustained us for thousands of years and will continue despite our sometimes misguided ways. goverments and religion, armies and madmen have long tried to exstinguish the flame of hope, lets pray they never do.....jc


  1. I don't believe that religions try to extinguish the flame of hope - quite the opposite. We shouldn't blame the faithful for the actions of the few fanatics, after all. Yes, let's pray they never do!

  2. yes, but an awful lot of people have been killed in the name of religion. faith is okay but blind faith? its dangerous....jc
