Monday, April 20, 2009

thats all folks

it's noontime, the 20th of april and i'm sitting here at the ol' computer, watching the redsox with one eye and tapping away with one finger. go ahead and laugh but that is how i type. i'm supposed to be working but alas i choose not to. it is patriots day and though it's a holiday for very few folks i decided to join the few and stay in bed today. after working 50 something hours last week with a nagging cough and stuffy head i thought today would be a good day to catch up. i saw a promo for a new show on the history channel [i think...] tuesday night about life on earth without people. interesting concept if you think about it. what if everybody disappeared, gone, blotto. the only things to remain would be animals, insects and what we left behind. nature would slowly reclaim its turf. it would take......a thousand years?....two thousand? before all our manmade work would return to dust. cities would no longer exist, roads, cars, everything would over time would just cease. and then what? it's hard to imagine because everything we know, all that we built is based people. take away the people and you have?....could it happen? i don't know.....but i will be watching, tomorrow night. cuz i'm curious and well rested. heehee.....take good care blogworld, jack c


  1. Hi Jack, thanks for stopping by today. No, we didn't catch any fish since we started late and went home early. (8-11am) heheh. Next weekend we're going back, I convinced my hubby and best friend to start at 530 am. Hope they wake up early and we'll catch fish.

    The whole event was still enjoyable sans fish because I got lots of nature shots.

    I saw that series in History channel last year, it's a rerun but it's pretty interesting.

    I read your previous post and you said you were sick, I'm glad you're feeling better. Take care!

  2. thank you and remember the early bird catches fish...heehee. nice to have you back, jack

  3. I watched the show on Life Without Human, and it was amazing, amazing, amazing! It makes us realize -- in reverse -- just what awful damage we have done to the earth.

    I hope you're feeling better soon. :-)


  4. Sounds exactly like the type of program to watch when you're feeling a bit under the weather. Or even a lot under the weather...I like to go straight to no more human beans:>) Hope you feel better very soon.

  5. I know this is going to sound very strange but we do not have a television in this house and mostly I'm very happy with that decision. But every once in a while I wish we had so we could watch such an excellent programme as this one sounds to be. Enjoy it and let us know all about it! Warm wishes to you, Vxx

  6. thank you all, i am feeling a bit better....veronica, no telly? what do you do to waste time? ...a world without people? interesting....wild and crazy maybe but definitely interesting...jc

  7. Haloo, Jack! Just dropping by to see how you're doing. :) Have a happy weekend!
