Thursday, April 9, 2009

round world

since i got home today i've had a guided tour of manila, courtesy of my friend half crazy, smelled the beautiful flowers of northern california with shey and dined at a quirky little pub in the english countryside with veronica, my lovely host. and i'm not a bit tired. thats what i love about blogging. its everywhere, its anytime. blogging has shrunk the globe. the internet has reached the loneliest outposts and the next town over. a person can share breakfast with the world if he wanted to. by the time i finished putting some jam on my bagel that piece of minutia can be the talk of europe or instant fodder for bloggers united. [i'm sure thats a land....heehee]here i am, living in the northeastern part of the usa and blogging has made me realized how some truths, some hopes and fears, desires and pain are universal. drop a stone in a pond and the ripples will reach the shores in a steady, measured wave. what happens in one part of the world affects everyone. as easter approaches we might do well to remember the old unto others as you would like them to do unto you....or something like that. take good care and stay safe, jack c...........a quick poem for you.......''under an atlanta moon i walked past photographs and twisted glass and felt a calmness about the place, the night was warm and i strolled on , the air was filled with taste. i thought about home where i'd be soon as i wandered through the haze and at just that moment a shiny light quickly caught my gaze.''


  1. So true! It's so amazing how the web connects us! I know what you mean about traveling and the universal feelings we experience and share.

    I always abide by the golden rule. Fairness to everyone.

    Nice poem too! You're better at words than me. :)

    Happy days to you!

  2. That is a beautiful poem, did you wrote it? It's wonderful, John! :P

    Glad you enjoyed Manila with me! I love blogging because I can see different parts of the world!

  3. the friends i've made over the world are the unexpected part of blogging - the part you don't see until you actually start to blog for yourself. and it's the very, very best part - i'm just so grateful to have met you and so pleased to be able to visit other parts of the world from in front of my pc... what better way to find out about somewhere than from the word of mouth of the local people? who knows, maybe one day we'll all get together somewhere and visit those places in real time!!

    lovely, thoughtful and insightful post jack my friend. warm wishes to you Vxx

  4. thanks for the comments. its always nice to hear from folks around the world, good way to stay in touch. and yes i wrote the poem half crazy, glad you liked it...jack c

  5. So true! I never expected to make friends through blogging, but I certainly have and it's great! Great poem, Jack! Happy, happy Easter!
