Friday, January 16, 2009


i know what will liven up this blog o mine, code. i could encrypt secret messages, biblical in form, and plant them throughtout. it worked for that divinci guy. soon people from all over the planet will be drawn to these wise tales woven into a long running narrative [hell, i got time] my home town people lined up to see a tree bearing [i'm told] a likeness of the virgin mary. i know folks oui there are desperate to believe, to believe in something. most of our heroes are long dead, the current crop just don't cut it. now i'm no prophet, not even particulary religious and i haven't wandered the wilderness for the last forty years but i do know a little and a little can go along way if you desire, desire to know more. one foot in front of the other, small steps. i think i would have taken that apple too, if offered. jc

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the apple... human nature is to do what we are told not too, it seems.
