Saturday, June 27, 2009


farrah,michael,ed mcmahon.....three icons of the sixties, seventies,eighties all passed away this past week. people are born and people die every day.....not just famous folk.when the famous die there is usually a treasure trove of artifacts that appear all over the media, reliving the glory days. michael jackson, being the youngest and possibly the oh how to put this, the oddest of the three has garnered the most press. like elvis he will remain the king. people will show up every year at.....neverland? and leave flowers and makeshift shrines at his grave. in death , just like in his life i doubt he will find peace. there will be sightings, fan clubs insisting he lives and all the other hoopla that surrounds the other king, elvis to this day. farrah's death and the accompanying stories will be a little more subdued. the brave way she endured and the stuggle to live will be noted but her days in the spotlight are over. she was famous long ago, mostly for being beautiful and that's how she will be remembered. ed mcmahon's generation is already passed, he outlived most of his contemporaries and though we can still see him in black and white on the early tonight show clips that holds little for todays youth based culture. thats what happens when you live too long, your'e forgotten before you even pass. well thats enough from me today, i'm heading out to enjoy what we in new england call summer, be good and take good care, jack c


  1. I'm formulating a post on this subject too. I'm still trying to get my mind around it all. And today, Billy Mays-the pitch man! You never know when your number will come up.

  2. no you don't but that in itself is probably a good thing....jc

  3. I do like a lot of Michael's music but I agree there's too much hoopla on his passing. There are more important events happening around the world that deserves much more attention. Oh well.

    Have fun out in the sun and enjoy!
